To Follow a Group:

  1. Go to

  2. Log-in to TOTA.

  3. Click on Browse Groups at the upper right corner of any TOTA page.

  4. Click on the group you would like to follow.  

  5. On the page for the selected Group, click the Follow button.

Congratulations!  You are now following the group and will receive notifications when the group creates new content.

To Unfollow a Group:

  1. Go to

  2. Log-in to TOTA.

  3. Click Groups in the sidebar navigation.  It's below Your Account.

  4. On your personal Groups page (, you'll see all the groups you follow.  Find the group you'd like to unfollow and select it.

  5. From the page for that group, click the Unfollow button.

You are now no longer following the group and will no longer receive notifications regarding the group.